Maharana Sangram Singh Sisodia commonly known as Rana Sanga was an Indian ruler of Mewar and head of a powerful Rajput confederacy in Rajputana during the 16th century.
Rana Sanga succeeded his father Rana Raimal as king of Mewar in 1508. He fought against the Afghan Lodhi dynasty of Delhi Sultanate and later against the Turkic Mughals.

After first ascending to the throne of his home kingdom Mewar. Then consolidating power there Rana Sanga moved his army against the internally troubled neighbouring kingdom of Malwa.
Under the rule of Mehmod Khilji Malwa was torn by dissension. Wary of his Rajput  Wazir Medini Rai’s power the politically weak Mehmod sought outside assistance from both Sultan Ibrahim Lodi of Delhi and Bahadur Shah of Gujarat whereas Rai on his part requested Sanga to come to his aid. Thus began the prolonged war between Mewar against the Muslim sultans of North India.
Joined by Rajput rebels from within Malwa Sanga's troops from Mewar beat back invading armies from Delhi ultimately defeating Malwa's army in a series of hotly contested battles. Khilji was himself taken prisoner only to be freed after leaving his sons as hostages in Mewar's capital Chittor. Through these events Malwa fell under Rana’s military power.

Battle of Khatoli
The Battle of Khatoli was fought in 1518 between the Lodi dynasty under Ibrahim Lodi and the Kingdom of Mewar under Rana Sanga

On the death of Sikander Lodi in 1518 his son Ibrahim Lodi succeeded him. He was engaged in putting down the revolts of his nobles when news of Rana Sanga’s encroachments reached him. He prepared an army and marched against Mewar. The Maharana advanced to meet him and the two armies met near the village of Khatoli on the borders of Haravati. The Delhi army could not stand the onslaught of the Rajput’s and after a fight lasting five hours, the Sultan’s army gave way and fled followed by the Sultan himself leaving a Lodi prince prisoner in the hands of Sanga. The prince was released after a few days on payment of a ransom. In this battle the Maharana lost an arm by a sword cut and an arrow made him lame for life.

Battle of Dholpur

Ibrahim Lodi was smarting under his defeat at Battle of Khatoli. To avenge it he made great preparations and moved against Rana SangaWhen the Sultan's army reached the Maharana's territory the Maharana advanced with his Rajputs. Maharana leads his army his strength was 10,000 horsemen and 5,000 infantry whereas Ibrahim Lodi leads his strength was 30,000 horsemen and 10,000 infantry  As the two armies came in sight of each other near Dholpur Mian Makhan made dispositions for the battle. Said Khan Furat and Haji Khan were placed on the right Daulat Khan commanded the center Allahdad khan and Yusuf Khan were placed on the left. The Sultans army was fully prepared to give the Maharana a warm reception.

The Rajputs started the battle with a cavalry charge which was personally led by Rana Sanga his cavalry with their accustomed valor advanced and fell on the Sultans army and in a short time put the enemy to flight. "Many brave and worthy men were made martyrs and the others were scattered".The Rajputs pushed the Sultans army up to Bayana.
Hussain Khan taunted his fellow nobles from Delhi: "It is a hundred pities that 30,000 horsemen should have been defeated by so few Hindus."

Battles of Idar

The Battles of Idar were three major battles fought in the principality of Idar between the armies of the two princes of Idar Bhar Mal who was supported by the Gujarat Sultanate under Muzaffar Shah II and Rai Mal who was supported by the Rajputs under Rana Sanga
The main reason for Rana Sangas involvement in these battles was to reinstate Rai Mal to his rightful throne and to weaken the growing power of Gujarat Sultanate. In 1517 Rai Mal with the help of Rana Sanga was able to successfully defeat Muzzafar Shah II and retake his kingdom.

Siege of Mandsaur

After a skirmish between 200 horsemen under Shuja-ul-mulk and others and some Rajputs in the hills the Sultan's army advanced and invested the fort of Mandsaur in Malwa then in the Maharana's possession. The governor of the fort Asoka Mal was killed but the fort did not fall. 
The Maharana left Chitor with a large army and arrived at the village of Nandsa 24 miles from Mandsaur. In the meantime- Sultan Mahmud Khilji of Malwa arrived from Mandu to assist the Gujarat forces to repay the debt he owed to Muzaffar Shah. The siege was pressed but no progress was made. The Maharana was reinforced by Medini Rai's army and Raja Silhadi the Tomar Chief of Raisen joined the Maharana with ten thousand cavalries. The Mirati Sikandar says that "all the Rajas of the country round went to the support of the Rana. Thus on both sides, enormous forces were assembled. But the enterprise of Malik Ayaz did not advance in consequence of the ill-feeling entertained against him by the Amirs No progress was made in the siege of the fort.

Battle of Gagron

Rana Sanga advanced with a large army from Chittor reinforced by the Rathors of Merta under Rao Viramdeva and met Sultan Mahmud Khilji II accompanied by Gujarat auxiliaries under Asaf Khan. 
As soon as the battle started the Rajput Cavalry made a fierce charge and tore through the Gujarat Cavalry the few remnants that survived fled in every direction that they could find. The Rajput cavalry after routing the Gujarat reinforcements turned towards the Malwa army. The Sultan's forces fought bravely but could not withstand the furious charge of the Rajput cavalry and sustained a complete defeat. Most of his officers were killed and the army was nearly annihilated. Asaf Khan's son was killed and Asaf Khan himself sought safety in flight. Sultan Mahmud was taken prisoner wounded and bleeding.

Battle of Khanwa

The Battle of Khanwa was fought near the village of Khanwa in Bharatpur District of Rajasthan on 16th March 1527. It was fought between the invading forces of the first Mughal Emperor Babur and the Rajput forces led by Rana Sanga of Mewar,

Sangram Singh gathered a coalition of Rajputs from the kingdoms of Rajasthan. They were joined by Muslim Rajputs from Mewat and Afghans under Mahmud Lodhi, the son of Sikandar Lodhi of Delhi. This alliance fought against Babur in the Battle of Khanwa to expel Babur from India. At a critical moment of battle, the defection of Silhadi and his contingent caused a split in the Rajput forces. Rana Sanga while trying to rebuild his front was wounded and fell unconscious from his horse. Rana's army thought their leader was dead and fled in disorder thus allowing the Mughals to win the day. Khanwa turned into a disaster for the Rana when Silhadi defected. the Mughal victory was decisive and turned out to become Rana Sanga's first and last defeat.
Rana Sanga wanted to prepare another army and fight Babur. However, on 30 January 1528 Rana Sanga died in Chittor apparently poisoned by his own chiefs who held his plans of renewing the fight with Babur to be suicidal.


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